NPLs RE_Solutions specializes in advisory services in the NPEs sector. It supportes its costumers in all stages of the process of defining the management and recovery strategy for non-performing credits: from wallets analysis to identification of the best recovery strategy, and management of the single name/special situation and operative sub-servicing for  judical procedure management and the out-of-court recovery.

NPLs RE_Solutions is the first and more complete Italian facility of advisory and Auction Real Estate, it takes care of consultancy specialized in real estate executions and insolvency preoceedings. 

NPLs RE_Solutions is athorized pursuant to the ex article 115 TULPS and it is UNI EN ISO9001:2015 certificated. Moreover, NPLs RE_Solution takes part in the Tavolo di Studio delle Esecuzioni Italiane (T.S.E.I.) which brings together different and recognized professionalisms in the sector of real estate executive procedures. 

Auction Real Estate

Valuation & Risk Management



Track Record 2023

0 +



Full settlement and final payment


Assets under monitoring


Assets in Big Data