Privacy notice & cookie policy

Website privacy notice

Pursuant to art 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter, the “GDPR”), you are hereby informed that your data will be processed by the following means and for the following purposes

1. Data controller and data protection officer

RINA Prime Value Services S.p.A., with registered office in Milan (MI), Italy, Via Lentasio 7, VAT no. IT09587170961, and the other RINA Group Companies are the Joint Data Controllers pursuant to art. 26 GDPR, who can be reached through the contacts indicated on the website The Data Protection Officer may be contacted at the e-mail address

2. Purpose and legal basis of processing

Your personal data is collected automatically while browsing the site.

While browsing to acquire information on the services provided by the Rina Group, i.e. without being registered for services or sections of the website, we will automatically collect and store certain user information (for example the type of device, the browser used, the date and time of visit, pages viewed) to help us provide an effective service (e.g. to adapt our website to the needs of your device - pc or tablet or smartphone - or to allow you to access restricted areas of our website). Furthermore, the normal functioning of the website makes it necessary to acquire some personal data which are not collected to be associated with identified data subject but which, by their very nature, could allow users to be identified through processing and association with data held by third parties, such as cookies or other tracking tools.

For more information on the cookies used by the site, read the cookies policy at the bottom of this notice and visit in the specific sections dedicated to managing cookie preferences. The personal data collected is, therefore, necessary to guarantee access to the website.

The legal basis for this processing activity is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in guaranteeing the functioning of the site and the possibility of using it effectively (art. 6, par. 1, lit.f) GDPR).
In addition, by using the website and browsing the individual sections, the user could provide further information by filling in the various forms: by way of example, the "Contacts" form, registrations for webinars and events. The data you could be asked are: name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, any additional data included in the accompanying message (where provided); data may also be acquired relating to one's position in the company to which one belongs and, if necessary, also the job position held therein.
The legal basis that legitimizes the processing of the aforementioned data lies in the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the data subject, so that he can be answered to requests for information or support forwarded, pursuant to art. 6, par. 1, lit. b) GDPR.

RINA, in fact, collects and uses these categories of personal data only to provide you with the services requested, to manage your registration, identify you and communicate with you.
In cases where a relationship with the Joint Controllers has previously been established (because a contract was signed, or because a request for information or support was made, or because you took part in one of our events), we may also contact you to detect the degree of satisfaction on the quality of the products and/or services covered by the contract/service, by sending surveys or requests via e-mail or via telephone contacts or also by sending you newsletters, commercial communications and/or advertising material on products and/or services offered by the company similar to those covered by the contract/service.

The legal basis of this processing coincides with the legitimate interest of the Data Controller to improve the quality of the services and to consolidate the contractual relationship already established with the data subject by keeping it updated, providing support, as well as improving the service (art. 6, par. 1, lit. f) GDPR).

Apart from the cases described above and regardless of the creation of an account on our website, provided that a contract has not been signed between the parties, the use of personal data for the possible sending of newsletters, advertising material, commercial information, sale of products or services by the Joint Controllers, can only take place after the user consent, by ticking the appropriate box in the specific sections of the site. The provision of this data is optional. You are therefore free to express your consent or refusal and to subsequently revoke the consent initially given. The legal basis of the processing above, can be found in the consent pursuant to art. 6, par. 1, lit. a) of the GDPR. Any refusal to consent to processing will result in the impossibility of receiving newsletters, commercial communications and advertising material on all RINA-branded products or services offered by the Joint Controllers.

3. Processing method and data retention

Personal data is processed by the Data Controller in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, correctness, and transparency.

The Joint Data Controllers will process the personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes. For marketing purposes only, the data will be processed for two years from the provision of consent.

4. Data recipient

Your data may be made accessible to the following recipients:

- to companies or other third parties (professional firms, consultants, suppliers, subjects who provide services for the management of the information system and telecommunications networks, etc.) who carry out outsourced activities on behalf of the Data Controller and who have been formally appointed Data Processors;
- public entities, for the fulfillment of legal obligations.

Without requiring your explicit consent, the Joint Controllers may communicate your data to supervisory bodies (such as ANAC), judicial authorities, insurance companies for the provision of insurance services, as well as to those subjects to whom the communication is mandatory by law for the accomplishment of said purposes.

5.Transfers of data

Personal data are stored on servers located within the European Union. In any case, it is understood that, should this be necessary, the Joint Data Controllers will have the right to move the servers even outside the EU. In such a case, the Joint Data Controllers hereby guarantee that transfers of data outside the EU will be done in accordance with the applicable laws, also by means of including standard contractual clauses provided for by the European Commission and adopting binding corporate rules for intra-group transfers. 

6. Rights of the data subject

In your capacity as the data subject of the processing in question, you have the rights provided for in the GDPR, including the right to ask the Joint Data Controllers, by contacting the Data Protection Officer for: access to the personal data, indication of the means, purposes and logics involved in the processing, the right to object, to request restriction of processing, data portability, rectification and erasure of the same, within the limits and in the ways provided for in the GDPR. 

Where processing of data is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time. 

In addition, you always have the right to object to the sending of newsletters and processing data for marketing or commercial purposes.  
Therefore, in your capacity as the data subject, you have the rights pursuant to Arts. 15 – 21 of GDPR, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Authority pursuant to art. 77 of GDPR. 

7. Procedure for exercising rights and communications

The Joint Data Controllers have appointed a Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted for all matters related to processing of your personal data and the exercising of related rights.

Therefore, you may contact the Data Protection Officer at any time, using the following procedures:

- by sending a registered letter with notification of receipt to RINA Prime Value Services S.p.A., Via Lentasio 7, 20122, Milan, Italy, for the attention of the Data Protection Officer, or by
- sending an e-mail message to

The withdrawal of consent for the newsletter service is possible by:

- unsubscribe from the mailing list for the newsletter service through the link that you will find at the bottom of the communication.

- where possible by accessing your private area and changing your preferences.

Cookies policy

RINA Prime Value Services S.p.A., with registered office in Milan (MI), Italy, Via Lentasio 7, VAT no. IT09587170961, and the other RINA Group Companies are the Joint Data Controllers pursuant to art. 26 GDPR, who can be reached through the contacts indicated on the website The Data Protection Officer may be contacted at the e-mail address

The processing of user’s personal data takes place in compliance with the law in force, with particular reference to Regulation (EU) n. 679/2016, applicable to the use of cookies, and to the relevant guidelines regarding the management of cookies and other tracking tools. 

A cookie is a small text file that is recorded in the browser's temporary memory when a website is visited.

The file stores some information, which the site is able to read when it is consulted at a later time, and which may be necessary for the correct functioning of the site and to improve its usability. By means of cookies, for example, it is possible to determine if a connection has already been made between the computer and the site, to highlight the news or keep the "login" information.
RINA informs that its websites only use "technical" cookies, so-called analytical cookies. “analytics” and so-called profiling cookies "profiling", which for the purpose of optimizing the site may collect information, aggregated or not, on the number of users and on how they visit the site.

For details of the cookies active in the various pages of the site and the related characteristics, as well as for the management of preferences regarding cookies, you can visit the dedicated sections of the site present in different pages.

The retention times of each cookie can be found at the following links:

- for the institutional site:

For third-party cookies, reference must be made to third-party sites: 

- for the "Careers" website page:

As required by applicable legislation, with reference to the legal basis of the processing, the prior consent of the user is required for the installation of analytical and profiling cookies. For this reason, when you access the webite or particular pages, a banner is displayed informing you that (i) "analytics" and "profiling" cookies are used on the website; (ii) you can accept the use of all cookies or decide to manage your preferences (deciding which ones to accept and which to refuse); iii) by closing the banner using the appropriate command or continuing to browse, the user does not consent to the use of "analytics" and "profiling" cookies, maintaining the default settings and therefore using only technical cookies . In any case, the user can also manage his consent with reference to each category of cookie used, when the aforementioned banner is displayed and at any time while browsing the site in the appropriate sections.

The user is free to block the installation of "analytics" and "profiling" cookies at any time, without compromising the possibility of visiting the site and using its contents.

For any need for further information on the subject of the so-called "cookies" please refer to the following link:

The user can exercise the rights referred to in articles 15 - 21 GDPR, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the competent authority pursuant to art. 77 GDPR.

The Joint Data Controllers have appointed a Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted for all questions relating to the processing of your personal data and the exercise of the related rights.

Therefore, the user may at any time contact the Data Protection Officer in the following ways:

- by sending a registered letter with return receipt to RINA Prime Value Services S.p.A., Via Lentasio 7, 20122, Milan, Italy, to the attention of the Data Protection Officer, or
- by sending an e-mail message to