Whistleblowing - RINA Prime Value Services

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What it is

Whistleblowing is the action of reporting of a risk that could damage customers, colleagues, shareholders, the public or the reputation of RINA. Reports may be recorded under granted anonymity, should the reporting subject so wish.

Why to report

It is a right and a duty to protect our work, our company, our colleagues, our clients and our collaborators. The purpose of this instrument, adopted since some years in RINA, is to prevent the occurrence of non-conformities, abuse or irregularities within the organization, but also to involve all stakeholders and the general public to counter illicit activities and misbehaviors, through active and responsible participation.

What to report

Alleged violations, perpetrated by internal staff, collaborators and business partners, referring to the following aspects:

What not to report

For commercial or operational communications (e.g. complaints), pre-existing communication channels remain valid.

How to report

Reports can be recorded through an external and independent service which provides two different channels:

At the beginning of the report, you will be prompted for the company that is the subject of the report. You can either mention RINA or the company name of the legal entity of the Group to which you want to refer to.

When the report is sent, a ticket is issued that allows you to re-enter the portal and monitor the progress.

The report can be completely anonymous for both channels, if the whistleblower so wishes, and will be managed by RINA in accordance with the whistleblowing process which you can read here.

The telephone numbers (for voice reports) and the link to the notification welcome page (for web reports) are shown at the top of this page.

Who provides the reporting service

The service is powered by Safecall, a qualified independent company external to the RINA Group.

Who manages the report

The task of managing the reports is entrusted to the Corporate Internal Audit function of RINA S.p.A.

Whistleblower protection

RINA undertakes to protect against any intimidation and retaliation by those who have, in good faith, reported. Reporting is handled confidentially and the identity of the whistleblower, if declared, is not disclosed without consent.

A well-made, accurate and detailed report can be handled without further involvement. In any case, the information will be processed according to confidentiality criteria.

Rights of the reported person

During the process of internal investigation of the report, however, will be guaranteed every right of the reported person and in no case will be initiated a procedure in the absence of concrete evidence regarding the content of the report itself.


Accessing the whistleblowing platform you acknowledge and the privacy notice and accept its contents.